The Ultimate Guide to Shopping Small and Sustainable this Holiday Season

Small businesses need our support this year more than ever, and so does our planet. So, in an effort to help you shop small and make Earth-friendly gift choices this holiday season, I’ve compiled a list of over 30 of my favorite sustainable, small businesses below. Not only do all of these businesses carry high …

Tips for a More Eco-Friendly Move

Seth and I recently packed up our entire home and moved to Honolulu, Hawaii. As we were preparing for this new adventure, we learned that 16.8 billion pounds of trash are sent to landfills each year as a result of moves in the United States alone. We wanted no parts of contributing to this statistic, so we did some major research and compiled our top five tips for an eco-friendly move here.

Sustainable Take-Out Vegetarian Pizza

How to Curb Your Carry-Out Footprint

If you’re like me, you are eating a lot more take-out these days (in the name of supporting small, local businesses, of course). So in honor of Earth Week, I’m sharing five tips on how to make your carry-out food experience as sustainable as possible.

10 Quotes that will Inspire you this Earth Day

This year marks the 51st anniversary of Earth Day as well as the Smithsonian’s fifth annual Earth Optimism Summit, dedicated to changing the narrative of conservation and sustainability from one of doom and gloom to a story of hope for the future. I personally find the notion of surrounding sustainability and stewardship efforts with positivity …

Valentine’s Day Outfit Ideas – that you already have in your closet

We’ve all felt it… that dreaded feeling that overcomes us as we stare into our closets with despair… that feeling that can be summed up with the question, How can I have so many clothes, but nothing to wear? This feeling is particularly unwelcome right before a hot Valentine’s Day date, when we want to …